Is it time for England to kill off A-levels?

🔖 english
🔖 Economist

Guangyao Zhao


May 16, 2023

Its school-leavers are worryingly innumerate.

Mick Jagger is the best-known alumnus1 of Dartford Grammar2, a secondary school3 in Kent. Yet the front-man4 of The Rolling Stones is not its only claim to fame5. Dartford is among a tiny bunch of6 English state schools7 that decline to enter six-form students for A-levels. Instead pupils follow courses set by International Baccalaureate8, an exam board9 headquartered in Switzerland. They study six subjects, when most of their peers usually take only three; these must include maths, English and a foreign language. “We’re not just preparing students for university”, says Julian Metcalf, the head teacher10, “but for another 60 years of life beyond that.”

  • 1 alumnus: 男校友

  • 2 Grammer school: 文法学校 (英国最好的公立学校)

  • 3 英式表达:Primary school: 小学; Secondary school: 中学

  • 4 front-man: 主唱

  • 5 claim to fame: 出名的主要原因

  • 6 bunch of: 大量

  • 7 state/public school: 公立学校

  • 8 International baccalaureate: 国际文凭组织

  • 9 exam board: 考试局

  • 10 head teacher: 英式的校长; principle: 美式的校长

  • Every few years England’s A-level system comes in for11 a kicking12. Britain’s prime minister is the latest person to give it. campaigning13 to lead the Tories14 in August, Rishi Sunak warned that England that England was unusual15 among rich countries in letting youngsters drop maths16 and their native language at 16. He proposed swapping17 the present system for a new “British Baccalaureate” that would require pupils to keep up both of those subjects until they are 18. There is no chance18 of this happening in the two years before Britain’s next election. But Mr Sunak maybe thinking of19 writing such a reform into his party’s manifesto20.

  • 11 come in for: 面临,遭受

  • 12 kicking:连续被猛踹

  • 13 campaign to do sth: 开展活动

  • 14 tory: 🇬🇧英国保守党员

  • 15 unusual in: 在…不寻常

  • 16 drop: 放弃

  • 17 swap: 交换

  • 18 no chance of doing sth: 没机会

  • 19 thinking of: 考虑

  • 20 manifesto: 竞选宣言

  • Even critics21 agree that A-levels are, in themselves22, rigorous23 and demanding24 qualifications, and that they enjoy great prestige abroad25. Britain’s universities have traditionally been picker26 than those in many other countries. Ambitious sixth-formers have generally been grateful that they are allowed to sweat27 only the subjects they need for admission. Focused graft28 in the final years of secondary school helps explain why most students in England can earn bachelor’s degrees in three years, when those in many other countries study for at least four.

  • 21 critics: 批评家

  • 22 in themselves: 就其本身而言

  • 23 rigorous: 严格的

  • 24 demanding: 高要求的

  • 25 prestige abroad: 在国外享有很高的声望

  • 26 picky: 挑剔的

  • 27 sweat: 引申为认真地做某些事

  • 28 graft: 艰苦的工作

  • Yet A-levels may not be handing English teenagers the breadth29 of skills they need. Their performance in literacy and numeracy30 tests falls behind those in most other rich countries after they turn 16. One-third of 16- to 19-year-olds in England have “low basic skills”, reckon analysts31 from the OECD, a club of mostly-rich countries. One in ten university student cannot pass basic tests in maths or comprehension.

  • 29 breadth: 广泛

  • 30 literacy and numeracy: 读写和计算能力

  • 31 reckon analyst: 估计分析师

  • There is enough time in the school day32 to offer extra maths and English classes without greatly crimping33 other studies. But it would cost money. For no good reason, England’s schools get less funding34 for pupils aged 16-19 than they do for younger children. Broadening studies would also requires more staff. The number of people who began training to be a secondary-school teacher this September was about one-third lower than hoped, the biggest such shortfall35 in years. Maths teachers are in particularly short supply36.

  • 32 school day: 日常上学

  • 33 crimp: 约束,妨碍

  • 34 funding: 基金

  • 35 shortfall: 缺口,差额

  • 36 in short supply: 不充裕

  • Shaking things up37 could involve more than academics. Pupils who do the International Baccalaureate (IB) must not only pass exams but also complete some kind of community service38. For many of the IB’s boosters39, this is a big part of its appeal40. Some argue that a “British Baccalaureate” should mix subjects from academic and vocational paths41, which at present are kept far apart. Whatever happens, it will probably give no one complete satisfaction42.

  • 37 shake sth up: 调整

  • 38 community service: 社区服务

  • 39 booster: 拥护者

  • 40 appeal: 吸引

  • 41 vocational paths: 职业技术路径

  • 42 complete satisfaction: 完全满意